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Eco Council

The Eco Code demonstrates the school's commitment in taking steps towards environmentally sound actions. Five key areas were highlighted in the creation of our Eco Code; areas which we felt were most achievable and appropriate to our school and its locality.

Recycling: We will recycle, repair, re-use and reduce all paper whenever possible. Have a waste free lunch. Re-cycle clothes in the clothes bin.

Transport: Encourage children to come to school in a more environmentally friendly way.

Water: Turn off taps when we are not using them. Teach children how to save water. Report any leaks to caretaker.

Energy: Light monitors in every classroom and around the school during break times.

Biodiversity: Try to increase the bio-diversity of Our Lady Queen of Peace using our new nature garden. Keep the school clean and tidy, free from litter or dangerous objects.

Eco Council

Alannah Baird (Leader)

Olivia Davis (Vice Chair)

Conall Burke (Secretary)

Jake Fox

Harry Scott

Tia-Lee Casement

Kate Bacon

Niamh McAlister

The way to go is an eco-code 
Walk to ease congestion on our roads 
Don't waste water, it's not cool 
We are trying this, in our school 

Turn off lights, and close all doors 
Feed the birds and watch them soar 
Recycle your paper, save our trees 
This is what were doing in Our Lady Queen of Peace 

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