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Comhairle na Scoile
P4A: An tUasal Conlon
Alesha Gallagher
Matthew Hawkins
P4B: Mrs Sweeney
Críostóir Corr
Céala McAllister
P5A: Bean Mhic Aoidh/Bean Uasal Ryan
Shay Larmour
Ellie Donaghy
P5B: An tUasal Gribben
Aidan Ferrier
Emily Fanning
P6A: Bean Bleakley
Kaiden Farrell Curley
Mollie Rodgers/Clodagh Holmes
P6B: Iníon McAllister
Declan Quinn
Sophie Hagan
P7A: An tUasal Cill Phádraig
Molly Melville
Sophie Maguire
P7B: Mrs Hughes
Cialim Boyle
Siofra Lavery
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